Greetings, This is now the location of Schism206 audio archives along with the P2BP podcast. You can gain access to everything for $30 per year, which encompasses over 600 audio recordings on a wide variety of topics. Link to sign-up: https://tinyurl.com/4azrkpsh View links for all content: https://tinyurl.com/rxnd6pzr Sorry, Podbean recently got rid off many useful organizational features. As a result, the above link ("for all content") is the best way to see all the content and access links to individual episodes. Visit the website to contact me with any questions or to sign up for plans with video access: https://www.rockstaresoterica.com
Resources Folder for All Episodes: https://tinyurl.com/2p8nkb98
P2BP Episode 19 - Guest - Didymus Part 1 (free)
Conversation starts @ 3:05 – Didymus and I speak about the taboo topic of “the tribe.” We talk about the basic history of Judaism, its development from the ancient world up until the modern world, along with the different sects and beliefs. We also touch upon Zionism and try to balance out the issues dealing with the nation of Israel.
Part 2 for Members: We discuss the role of Kabbalah, the Sabbatean-Frankists, and go into the history of the “blood-libel” accusations; of which we attempt to take a balanced and non-sensationalist approach to, while pointing out all of the machinations involved, and the battle for the narratives controlling such stories and trials throughout history.
Didymus’ Links:
YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/rhchjhy
BitChute: https://tinyurl.com/udwpxuc
Translation of From Frankism to Jacobinism: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/frankism
Selected Playlist on YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/sxkbzkd
P2BP Episode 20 - Hizstory - The Cathar Crazies
In part one we cover the "exoteric" history of the Cathar heresy in Southern France during the 13th century. This includes the origins of the heresy coming from Byzantium, the development of doctrine, its teachings, and all the wild stuff that these Cathars believed in order to rebel against "The Empire" of Holy Rome. Barber misses one key component which we discuss in hour two.
Part 2 for Members: We discuss the influence of a particular "tribe" in helping to spread the Cathar heresy (also the Waldensians), and sheltering them from the Inquisition and Crusades. We go into several different sources to try to get the full spectrum of viewpoints on this influence and how they – despite being a major aspect of the Albigensian crusade – get lost amongst modern academia, who misses a big piece of the Cathar puzzle.
Book discussed in first hour:
The Cathars by Malcolm Barber: https://tinyurl.com/wzg7e9e
P2BP Episode 21 - Hizstory - Memoirs Illustrating the Conspiracy
In part one we cover the revelations from the Jesuit Abbé Augustin Barruel's Antichristian Conspiracy in his Memoirs. It exposes the more colorful statements by modernity's heroes such as Voltaire and his crew. All hail Julian the Apostate! in order to the illuminate the masses by degrees into the Mysteries of Mithras; the masses, of course, of which they don't care one iota for, but will do a great job of pretending like they do. The only ones wise enough to identify these shenanigans were of course, the Catholic Jesuits! Exactly why they are the first to be warred against when a NWO Masonic oligarchy conspires to overthrow an Old World Catholic order such the Ancien Régime in Bourbon France.
Part 2 for Members: We discuss the Antimonarchical conspiracy involving other 'adepts' such as Rousseau; yet these conspirators can't help from devouring each other whilst claim it's the Saturnine Kings of Christendom who devour their own people; thus invoke the scapegoat ritual so essential to Western Liberal-Democracy; you must have a Baphomet-boogeyman to lead the profane astray from the true secrets of the Mysteries: that they are being manipulated by the cries of "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity"! From there we penetrate deep into the Mysteries of Occult Freemasonry and find it's not so mysterious after all; it's basically everything Albert Pike and H.P. Blavatsky promote in Morals and Dogma and Isis Unveiled / Secret Doctrine, respectively, except for what they call good, Barruel calls darkness, and vice versa.
Book discussed:
Barruel's Memoirs Free on Archive.org: https://tinyurl.com/wzg7e9e
Memoirs on Amazon: https://tinyurl.com/wdsu66b
P2BP Episode 22 - Hizstory - The Bavarian Illuminati & “Jesuitism”
In part one we cover the basic background of the Bavarian Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt and their alleged connection to the Jesuits. As in the previous episode, we are using Barruel’s Memoirs which contains the Illuminati documents confiscated by the Bavarian police’s raid on the “Adept” Cato. We discuss the two different branches of Illuminism: the more “rationalist” type of Weishaupt, and the more mystical sides akin to the Swedenborgs and Martinists; of which are alluded to in the Hollywood movie the Ninth Gate starring Johnny Depp, who engages in his Luciferian “initiation” path to so-called “enlightenment.” NOTE: it is mentioned that we would cover Ignatius Loyola controversies and ties to “alumbrados” in hour 2. However, due to time constraints we were not able to; we’ll do a separate P2BP dealing with the early Jesuits and any mythos surrounding Loyola and his alleged “Illuminism.”
Part 2 for Members: We discuss the wide variety of criticisms hurled at Barruel and his Memoirs, ranging from H.P. Blavatsky & Theosophy to Freemasonry to Jéwîsh historians, to American Founding Fathers, to Catholics alike. Are these criticisms fair? Or is there usually a big piece of the puzzle missing? and often with a ‘scapegoat ritual’ attached to these criticisms? All while blaming Barruel for being the one ‘scapegoating’ Masons and “enthusiastic philanthropists” such as Adam Weishaupt; and never actually addressing any of the actual proofs contained in Barruel’s Memoirs; of which are found in abundance.
Book discussed:
Barruel's Memoirs Free on Archive.org: https://tinyurl.com/wzg7e9e
Memoirs on Amazon: https://tinyurl.com/wdsu66b
P2BP Episode 23 - Guest - James Perloff
Conversation starts @ 3:05 – James returns to discuss the Old World Christian Order vs. the NWO of various factions fighting for power. Regardless of who seems to be at the helm of the latter, there always seems to be a push for the unity of religions in the vein of Freemasonry and Theosophy on the “Occult” side of the coin, and then movements such as Christian Zîønîsm on the other. In the first hour we discuss more of the former in terms of Modernism, the Rockefellers, and some of the other WASP machinations trying to their damnedest to keep any semblance of the Old World Empire of Christendom from any possible resurgence.
Part 2 for Members: We discuss the movers and shakers of Christian Zîønîsm, the Rothschild side of the elite-family-beginning-with-R coin, and the key figures from the WASP powers that contributed heavily such as Cyrus Scofield and John Nelson Darby. We also get a little wild, speculating a bit about the Hidden Hand as it would relate to entities attempting to manipulate, control, and even perhaps residing at mansions being entertained ‘unawares’ by prominent banking elites. Despite theorizing about the workings of the angelic realms of spirit, there’s plenty to unpack in regards to the facts of history in these areas of NWO agendas.
James’ Bio:
James Perloff is author of The Shadows of Power, an exposé of the Council on Foreign Relations that has sold over 100,000 copies, and two books about the evidence against Darwin's theory of evolution, including Tornado in a Junkyard. He wrote for The New American magazine for nearly three decades. His newest book, Truth Is a Lonely Warrior, is a comprehensive primer on the New World Order. He also wrote the script for Free Mind Films’ latest documentary ShadowRing, and was the leadoff speaker at the 2015 New York City LibertyFest. His website is www.jamesperloff.com and he is on Twitter as James Perloff.
Please refer to these articles by James for sources and additional info:
Ecumenism Article Part I: https://tinyurl.com/lnarpmf
Ecumenism Article Part II: https://tinyurl.com/qlk4fog
My previous P2BP talk with James on the American Revolution: https://tinyurl.com/vlvk2yc
Number 23 (w/Jim Carrey) movie intro: https://youtu.be/LJqlOiV0T-M
James' Links:
Website: https://jamesperloff.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jamesperloff
Amazon Books: https://tinyurl.com/ybgmeosw
P2BP Episode 24 - Hizstory - Ignatius of Loyola, Crypto-Illuminati?
In part one we address the claim that St. Ignatius of Loyola was actually a crypto-Alumbrado converso subverter of Christianity, along with the Jesuit Order being a “Synágogue” rather than a Christian order. We also dispute the claims that the book by Robert Aleksander Maryks somehow proves this to be the case, when in fact it’s the exact opposite. Despite the battles between different factions of Jesuits such as the Italian ones vs. the Memorialistas in Spain, or a vast changing of the guard (i.e. infiltration) within the order in the 20th century, what’s often repeated by Alt-Media circles and Protestant propaganda about the foundation of the Society of Jesus is rather untenable considering the actual provided evidence for such claims.
Part 2 for Members: We take the focus away from Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, to the Society of Jesuits as a whole. After his death the battles heated up which culminated in 1593, where the institution of the limpieza de sangre policy won out and kept conversos out of the Jesuits for roughly 15 years, until the were allowed re-admittance albeit under close watch and reservation. We also go into controversial converso Memorialistas such as Juan de Mariana, who was infamous for his regicide tracts, and primitive liberalism, contrasted with the society’s Superior General Acquaviva’s battles against Spanish Jesuits like Mariana. It was certainly a complicated situation; the ultimate takeaway is that it takes two to tango and these controversies were not a one way street.
Books discussed:
Maryks Jesuit Order as a Synágogue of Jéws: https://brill.com/view/title/15652
Maryks A Companion to Ignatius of Loyola: https://tinyurl.com/tg775pl
Ingram Converso Non-Conformism in Early Modern Spain: https://tinyurl.com/rg6bsf7
McMichael & Myers Friars and Jews in the Middle Ages and Renaissance: https://tinyurl.com/v8no28e
Meissner Ignatius of Loyola: The Psychology of a Saint: https://tinyurl.com/t4raqht
P2BP Episode 25 - It Ain't Dogma - The Sons of God, Watchers & Genesis 6
In part one we outline the main disputes involved in interpreting Genesis 6 and the union of the “Sons of God” with the “daughters of men” producing the mighty “Nephilim.” Often times this will lead one to venture into the Book of Enoch, perhaps others like the Book of Giants, Jubilees, and potentially even further down the rabbit hole into more radical viewpoints like the serpent-seed producing Cain. Rabbit holes aside, the fundamental divergence is the nature of these “Sons of God” being angelic entities mating with women, or analogous to humans, albeit ‘Godly’ ones mating with women; from there sprouts a wide variety of exegesis which can easily bring you into more Occult, Gnostic, Manichean, or Kabalistic texts and traditions; in this first hour we focus mainly on these Occult associations and themes and wrap up on views relative to post 70AD Jüdåism.
Part 2 for Members: An epic 2 hour and 40 minute endeavor, shifting gears from Occultism to arguments found within Christianity – often prominent in the Alt-Media – that take the angelic interpretation over the “Sethite” viewpoint held by the Catholic tradition from Augustine to Aquinas to modernity––generally speaking. We compare and contrast these viewpoints, find the common ground, and separate out what is opposing, and try to apply the same criteria of judgement for each; and ultimately let you decide where the chips fall in your eyes, as there’s solid arguments to be found on both sides. Regardless of where you end up, it’s certainly a solid bet that taking the Sethite view will be far less likely to lead others into viewpoints that align with Gnosticism, Manichean Dualism and Jéwîsh Kabbalah; whether you believe it to be valid or not.
Resources Link: https://tinyurl.com/3mdt3hk5
P2BP Episode 26 - Hizstory - Occult Nazis & the Aryan Noble Savage
In this episode we discuss all things Occult-Nazi, usually a crowd pleasing topic for some odd reason. Unfortunately, we will not be able to provide you with the ‘Ancient Aliens’ version; but alas, despite the lack of sensationalism in the vein of Nordics and Greys working directly with S.S. officers in search of a hollow earth using ancient Atlantean technology, there’s still plenty of strangeness to go around. However, that strangeness might make some uncomfortable who hold to a more New Age or Theosophical world view, as perhaps your beliefs have far more in common with Nazi Occultism than you might previously have thought, aside from that whole ’Aryan-supremacy’ thing they had going on.
Part 2 for Members: We wrap up our focus on the individuals most responsible for this Germanic-Occult revival, and find how contradictory it all is, where much of the esoteric knowledge actually came from Kabalistic Jéws, despite these Nazi’s seeing them as a sworn enemy. The Noble Savage ideal stemming from the Enlightenment has many different manifestations tied to their own subjective ‘gnosis’, usually taking them back to an antiquity of priest-kings before the evil-demiurge worshipper ‘desert-cult’ of Christianity put this divine “Sophia” in shackles for 1,000 years of Dark Ages; but alas, this ancient wisdom of ‘insert-your-favorite-Pagan-LARP-here’ shall rise again and conquer this evil Saturnine principle of darkness and ignorance! At least that is the battle cry… but, is this perhaps a dialectic to pit you against others claiming the same thing for different reasons, caught in an all-devouring revolution against European Christendom? Important questions to consider, and perhaps this is the true ‘gnosis’ you can gain from studying The Occult Roots of Nazism.
Book discussed:
The Occult Roots of Nazism: https://tinyurl.com/y9pbaoom
P2BP Episode 27 - Guest - Dr. Robert Sungenis
Conversation starts @ 3:05 – In this episode we discuss the debates surrounding a Geocentric vs. Heliocentric universe, how it relates to the traditional Catholic Church teaching, and more specifically the themes of the movie The Principle, of which Dr. Sungenis played a leading role in its creation and production. In our first segment we go into the ‘Founding Fathers’ – so to speak – of the modern Heliocentric model and ask if they were simply men with no religious or spiritual ideologies attached to their motivations, who were innocently questioning the status quo claims of the Catholic Church? Or, perhaps, could they have had underlying agendas and partialities that are often downplayed or outright ignored by modern science and its promoters? We go from Coperniucs, to Galileo to Bruno; all leading up to the controversies regarding Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler, and Tychonian model of the universe; then onward to Isaac Newton and much more in the first hour of discussion.
Part 2 for Members: We dig deeper into the developments and discoveries relating to this epic battle of cosmologies, and how they played out during the 19th century into the early 20th century. Somewhere along the way the Church stops taking an active interest in these discussions – perhaps due to a massive outbreak of Masonic revolutions tearing up Catholic countries and territories – and it becomes more of a battle between the scientists themselves. We discuss Mach, the Michaelson-Morley experiment, the Big Bang Theory, Relativity, and everything else including: Darwin, Dark Matter/Energy, Black Holes and Multi-Verse theories.
Rent/Buy the movie The Principle here: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/theprinciple
Robert’s Bio:
Robert is an international author, lecturer, debater, producer, and founder of Catholic Apologetics International Publishing, Inc., a non-profit corporation dedicated to teaching and defending the Catholic faith. He holds advanced degrees in Theology and Religious Studies, from George Washington University; Westminster Theological Seminary; and Calamus International University.
Robert’s Links:
The Principle Website: https://www.theprinciplemovie.com
Robert’s Website: https://www.robertsungenis.org
Galileo Was Wrong: http://galileowaswrong.com
Journey to the Center of the Universe: https://gwwdvd.com
P2BP Episode 28 - Hizstory - Magic & Cabala in Christendom
We discuss Occultism in Europe during the Renaissance/Reformation period up through the Enlightenment, and the relationship of Kabbalah with a 'K' to Cabala with a 'C.' These broad themes are the focus for this first part, and there's plenty of re-occurring strangeness to be found in connections to Venice, Prague, Constantinople, and the hidden realms of the esoteric in a secret collaboration with Christian aristocracy and Kabalistic Jéwîsh merchants, bankers, spies and alchemists; all in attempts to avoid the watchful eye of the Inquisition, Jesuits and Papal policies in regards to such magical practices and undertakings.
Part 2 for Members: We get into much more detail in regards to cryptography, poisons, weapons, palmistry, talismans, amulets and of course the ever-elusive unicorn. Much of this relates to the Occult-minded court of Holy Roman Emperor Rudolph II, connections with Venice, and even King Henry VIII's divorce are intertwined with all of this Occult mystique and Hébråîc influence.
Book discussed: The Age of Secrecy: https://tinyurl.com/yczc4fel
Unicorn Symbolism: https://youtu.be/-j54in4fl9k
P2BP Episode 29 - Guest - Tim Kelly
Conversation starts @ 3:05 – Tim returns to the show to discuss the 20th century and the NWO attempts to utilize the Catholic Church for modern Liberal-Masonic principles and American Democracy. In part one we discuss the Cold War, John Paul II, the WASP establishment figures such as Henry Luce, the Dulles brothers, the Kennedy’s, and modernist figures such as John Courtney Murray and their relationship to Vatican II.
Part 2 for Members: We dig deeper into the Church subversion from the other side of the Atlantic, and discuss the P2 Lodge, Operation Gladio, and the more right-wing infiltration groups. This is contrasted with the more leftist side of the Jesuits ‘transmutation’ into a “social justice” institution with Marxist principles under their Liberation Theology movement. How do these groups, who should be at complete odds with each other, all synthesize under the “Americanist heresy” as to change the Church from within? Perhaps there is an element of Divine Providence that can explain the unexplained, despite the temporal machinations of elite oligarchs and their collaborating schemes to bend the Church to the will of their alchemical magic(k) tricks under American pragmatism.
Tim’s Links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/thkelly67
Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/y9msyal5
Spreaker: https://tinyurl.com/yban8es2
Podomatic: https://tinyurl.com/y8b43lmr
Podbean: https://tinyurl.com/y927748r
P2BP Episode 30 - Off the Cuff - Kovid 1984 & Waycism
Here we discuss contemporary controversies such as the global lockdown and the ‘protests’ leading to looting and rioting. The main theme is hypocrisy, and there’s plenty to go around in regards to the BLM rhetoric, which entirely ignores the dismantling of Africa – under Gaddafi’s Pan-African vision – by the Obama administration. This Gaddafi regime was attempting to unite all of Africa in efforts to get away from the rich ‘white-privileged’ petro-dollar of Western hegemony, and its destruction was perpetrated under the leadership of Americas first ‘black’ president. No one was crying for black living mattering then…funny how that works. We also discuss modern day slavery in Africa tied to mineral mining for big tech companies, while the angry SJW’s cry about past colonialism from their iPhones and iPads on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter; all using these same ‘neo-colonial’ African slave-mined minerals to power their devices while claiming to be against black slavery…funny how that works.
Part 2 for Members: We go into Christian slavery perpetrated by Muslim masters – and the complexities that go with it – in North Africa and the surrounding areas; we also discuss the sex slavery and prostitution tied to the Greek pederasty culture that continued in these African cities such as Tunis, Algiers and Tripoli, etc. Also touched upon is the inherent W.A.S.P. (’white’ Protestant) racism built into its anti-Catholicism, and targeted at Catholic countries such as Spain (and to a lesser degree Italy) for being ‘tainted’ with Moor and Jéwîsh blood; thus, any SJW leftists who promote the Spanish ‘Black Legend’ are actually using propaganda created by ‘white’ racists, and in particular the Germanic nationalism that led to the Nazi regime…funny how that works.
Resources & References Link: https://tinyurl.com/y7cjfpa8
P2BP Episode 31 - Guest - Tristan of Primal Edge Health
Conversation starts @ 3:05 – Tristan from Primal Edge Health joins us to discuss health and diet. We begin by discussing his dietary journey, and how that evolved into doing the work he does on health, and engaging in debates regarding vegan or vegetarian diets vs. carnivore or ketogenic diets. In the first hour we mainly focus on the ‘material’ aspects, and what people can do to help improve their health through diet in the ‘temporal’ realm.
Part 2 for Members: We transition from the physical to the metaphysical realms of discussion, and dig deeper into the psychology, philosophy and spirituality that tends to be attached to veganism or vegetarian diets––especially in conjunction with social engineering and global UN agendas. We discuss Christianity / Catholicism in contradistinction to more Theosophical or New Age mindsets that are tied to Pantheism.
Tristan’s Links:
Website: https://www.primaledgehealth.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/primaledgehealth
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tristanhaggard
P2BP Episode 32 - Hizstory - John Dee & the “Angelic” New World Order
We discuss John Dee and the British NWO that spawned out of the Protestant revolution. This is the ‘sister’ episode to our previous podcast # 28 on Magic & Cabala in Christendom, and we connect many of the same themes: Jéwîsh Kabbalah and its connections to Venice, Constantinople and Holy Roman Emperor Rudolph II in Prague; also the Jesuits and the Counter-Reformation regime that was combating all of these force to maintain Christendom as Europe had known it for 1,000+ years. Of major importance is the data given from the ‘spiritual’ realm (if one believes in such things) that corresponds – very directly – to many of the objective data that we’ve extensively gone over in regards to Freemasonry/Occultism and Jéwîsh powers rising out of Protestantism, and these Masonic/Kabbalistic factions using Protestant Christianity as a ‘golem’ to attack their real enemy: the Catholic Church of Christ.
Part 2 for Members: We get into much more detail in regards to “Esoteric Protestantism” and it’s influence behind the scenes of the so-called Reformation. All things are made new, but are they in the image of Christ? Or a slow return back to Paganism with a mask of Christianity, all while projecting those very claims onto the “beast” of the Roman Catholic Church. We discuss more on John Dee himself, his background, and aspects that relate to Elizabeth I, who was the progeny of the great “divorce” from the Catholic Church by her father Henry VIII in his ‘unholy union’ with Anne Boleyn. We also discuss a strange psychic throwback to Gnostics texts that were discovered centuries later, as in The Thunder, Perfect Mind, which said “angels” reveal eerily similar passages to something that was not to be known to Western Civilization until the 1945 discovery of the Nag Hammadi texts… coincidence? Or perhaps divine synchronicity? We’ll let you decide.
Books Discussed:
John Dee & the Empire of Angels: https://tinyurl.com/ycfh6pps
The Jéwîsh Revolutionary Spirit: https://tinyurl.com/y4zyyn8e
Other Links:
P2BP Episode 28 - Magic & Cabala in Christendom: https://tinyurl.com/yaf6rqgs
P2BP Episode 33 - Hizstory - Love or Lust? Libido Dominandi of Ludwig & Lola
In this podcast we discuss the lesser-known tale of Lola Montez and King Ludwig I of Bavaria. This story has it all, Ultramontane-Jesuit conspiracies, Freemasonic conspiracies, rebellion, betrayal, revolution, sexual affairs, power-politics, and lap-dogs chasing swans down Bavarian streets with Lola Montez in Renaissance costume followed by a world famous portrait artist and the King of the Bavaria not too far behind. All this will give credence to the Augustinian concept of Libido Dominandi, or, in the illustrious words of Dr. E. Mîcháel Jônes, “sexual liberation as a tool of control.”
Part 2 for Members: We get into much more detail in regards to this bizarre, frustrating, sad but at times hilarious drama of Ludwig & Lola. We discuss more on the Jesuit conspiracy theories alleged by both the King and Ms. Montez, even her pragmatic 180° turn – for about a few months – on Catholicism and the Ultramontanes; and how Lola found her ultimate ‘freedom’ in America; as ‘Superstitious Catholicism’ was still keeping Europe stuck in the Dark Ages. Lola could finally ‘take flight’ and spread her Masonic wings, leading the charge for Lady Liberty, as a ‘strong independent female’ pioneering new ground in the theater industry; all in grandiose fashion; and in the 19th century only possible in the ‘religiously tolerant’ Free-Masonic Republic and ‘progressive’ Protestant culture of the grand ole U.S. of A…which ends in death by syphilis…can you taste it? FREEDOM BABY!…breakfast, lunch AND dinner.
Resources & Books Discussed:
Lola Montez by Bruce Seymour (‘borrow’ on Archive.org): https://archive.org/details/lolamontezlife00seym
1847: A Chronicle of Genius, Generosity & Savagery by Turtle Bunbury (used to be able to preview on Google Books but it seems this is not the case anymore): https://tinyurl.com/yxg77p6j
Richard Wagner Kulturkampf & Anti-Ultramontane-Jesuitism: https://tinyurl.com/y3jrm5fl
ATI History - Lola Montez and Syphilis: https://allthatsinteresting.com/lola-montez
Lola Montez Stroke and Death (Syphilis not mentioned here): https://tinyurl.com/yxn7x8qg
Lola Cartoons & Portraits:
Lola & Lap-Dog Ludwig: https://tinyurl.com/yxb382qu
Goodbye Europe, Hello America: https://tinyurl.com/y4y2247s
Pan’s Crown for Lola: https://tinyurl.com/y563k4dt
Lola Dances for America: https://tinyurl.com/yyf9gcrw
Lola “Sinister Smirk” Portrait by Kaulbach: https://tinyurl.com/yxu54kqr
P2BP Episode 34 - Hizstory - Nazism & Zionism, Polarity to Unity
In this episode we go into the strange contradiction of the Nazi’s official “solution” to the “Jéwîsh Question” from 1933 up to the breakout of WWII. What is rather peculiar, is that you will find a collaboration between the two most extreme oppositional forces one could think of in Anglo-American modern history: Nazis and Jéws. This collaborating “synthesis” was “Palestine-ho!” (i.e. Zîønîsm) for the Jéws in Germany and the surrounding areas––albeit for entirely different reasons. To add further to this dialectical conundrum, you had the warring powers of Britain and Germany that magically synthesized on the same issue: the establishment of a Jéwîsh state in Paléstîne. Thus the issue of Zîønîsm transcended all polarities, though it differed in policy for the Protestant vs. Catholic powers: which is to say, the Popes, Cardinals and Catholics were against it; while the Protestant nations were for it, despite their vastly different reasons as to why. But, even amongst the Jéws themselves, this vision of a Jéwîsh utopia for safety and security was far from a magical kumbaya of holding hands and marching to Zion in unity; ranging from propaganda and “fake news” used against each other, to boycotts, to transfer agreements, and even primitive Mossad agents working with Nazis to illegally smuggle Jéws past British authorities in Palestine… but it matters not! For Zîønîsm, the ends justify the means…so they say.
Part 2 for Members: We discuss the background in more “esoteric” detail, along with Papal views and policies regarding the notion of a Jéwîsh state. We further contrast this with Protestant viewpoints of Zîønîsm, particularly from “British-Israel” against the profane “idolatry” of Roman Catholicism and its sanguine history of hate and massacre of European Jéws (so the story goes). We also get much more in depth to a strange alliance of German Zîønîsts with the Pasha leader of the Young Turks who led a “Høløcaust” of Armenian Christians; but that, of course, mattered not to his supporters in Germany, and allow him safe refuge to escape a trial for war-crimes; it took a victim of the Armenian Genocide to come to Germany and assassinate him for any justice to be had. For some odd reason, this Armenian “Høløcaust,” long predating the Jéwîsh one, and millions in number, is hardly – if ever – focused on in the history books, and even denied by many in connection with Israeli relations. Perhaps there’s a reason why? Maybe because it was led by Freemasonic crypto-Jéwîsh revolutionaries, the two main forces that hate Catholic Christendom, be it East or West. There will be a Part 3 for members/subscribers soon, since this episode didn’t get to everything we had intended.
Resources & Books Discussed:
Nicosia - Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany - https://tinyurl.com/y2e22w4o
Brenner - 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis - https://tinyurl.com/y23l2ouu
P2BP Episode 36 - It Ain't Dogma - East & West Catholicism
Here we touch upon the broader issues surrounding Eastern & Western Catholicism, to outline what we will be discussing in several different segments for members. This includes: Measuring out the same standards against both, dealing with polemics that often come from the Eastern side against Rome that are problematic in light of the former, understanding that both East and West get attacked in fundamentally the same ways by the enemies of the Church (as opposed to Protestant factions & WASP powers) and having a mutual respect and charity for each other despite some fundamental disagreements. Topics outlined are: The Two Swords model of Christendom, Popes & Emperors, Schisms & Crusades, influence of Neoplatonic texts, the Jesuits, the Vatican Councils and more.
Part 2 for Members: Here we discuss the Two Swords model of Christendom, and how the structures of East and West became oddly reversed over time, despite dealing with each scenario in differing ways. We talk about the rise of Constantinople, the Fall of Rome, and how each side dealt with Heathen & Heresy woes. Could a more developed Papacy have actually helped the East, despite the polemics against the centralization and supremacy of Rome becoming more and more established during tumultuous times for Byzantium? Perhaps it depends on who you ask, but we try to provide some different factors to consider when making your own decisions on such issues.
Part 3 for Members: We discuss the rise of the Frankish Kings with the Merovingians and then the Carolingians while comparing and contrasting with Byzantium’s Emperors and power struggles involving them. More specifically we focus on co-regents Constantine VI and Irene of Athens, and how attempts were made to unite their family with Charlemagne’s but were all in vain in the end. Then the all-devouring Ouroboros took over which included: copious amounts of eye-gouging and tongue cutting, conspiring for coup d’etats, adulterous marriages and many more lovely events leading up to the shift of power over to Charlemagne in 800 A.D.
Part 4 for Members: We give Pope Leo III and Charlemagne’s side of the Holy Roman coin and expand upon the events leading up to Charlemagne’s crowning in 800 A.D. which sparked the Holy Roman Empire that lasted for 1000+ years until Napoleon’s dissolution of it in 1806. We end by talking about the ideal but also the reality of the Two Swords of the Church & State trying to act together without usurping authority and order at the expense of those in the Kingdom, and how that same struggle applies in the microcosm to our own personal lives.
Part 5 for Members: Here we begin our journey in the 4th Crusade debacle. Is it as simple – as many Eastern Orthodox polemicists say – as the Pope and Frankish Kings conspiring to destroy Byzantium’s power by sending the 4th Crusade there to Constantinople? Or is it far more complex, and there’s corrupting interests on both the Latin and Greek side, along with *gasp*, the Pope and Frankish nobility and soldiery being far more honorable, virtuous and protecting of rogue Crusade interests and corruption despite often being blamed for it? In this segment we’ll focus on the sack of the Catholic city of Zara (in modern day Croatia) and all the interests leading up to the preparation for advancing to Constantinople to participate in the Ouroboros Serpent of Byzantine Emperors devouring each other.
Part 6 for Members: We continue our Fourth Crusade investigation bringing us to the shenanigans in Constantinople involving an exiled Byzantine prince looking to return to power in epic fashion, who did a great job of convincing the wayward Crusade that his restoration would receive majority support in the great city, it would be a quick one-and-done affair, and that he could pay them all for their help. Unfortunately he could keep none of these promises and it evolved into an evermore all-devouring Ouroboros of Byzantine Emperor coups and calamities. However, the things that we can clearly discern out of this chaos are that: 1) Blind Venetians in their nineties can still do some pretty epic things. 2) The Pope had absolutely nothing to do with this, and was only involved in excommunications and staunch warnings about Christians fighting other Christians, and that the whole disaster could have been avoided if both Eastern AND Western Christians had listened to him. 3) That the Frankish Crusaders had more honor than all the Latins and Greeks combined in the affairs. 4) And even so, the Latins had more instances of keeping their word and acting – in context with the times – no worse than any of the Byzantine aristocracy and Emperors who do not end up looking very good at all in the final analysis despite any ‘sins’ of the Latins or the Frankish Crusaders who stayed the course after the debacle at Zara.
References and Resources PDF: https://tinyurl.com/yygk4h68
Charlemagne and Adalgis’ son conspiracy: https://tinyurl.com/y3gm5g82
Irene’s woman rule vs. Charlemagne + who broke off marriage: https://tinyurl.com/y2by5znc
Council of Frankfurt: https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/06236a.htm
P2BP Episode 37 - Off the Cuff - Apocalyptic Elections
Parts 1 & 2 (free): We talk about the various ways of dealing with the word “Apocalypse” and how effects both the subjective and objective in relationship to the 2020 presidential election in the United States. How does one balance out gnats and camels, specks and logs, or venial and mortal issues? Are there “weightier” matters of the law that sometimes get lost on us during these times? In many ways, this is a culminating point in the history of Western Civilization, and thus we will be synthesizing all the previous P2BP episodes from 2020 into a holistic “singularity” (don’t worry, not an A.I. technocracy “singularity”) in regards to what is of most primary importance: the abominable error of sacrificing our children to Moloch.
Part 3 for Members: We expand upon our analysis by looking at the various concerns and buzz over Fatima, Archbishop Vigano, Trump, “Russian Collusion,” the “Great Reset” and other strange and troubling things during these times.
Resources & References Link: